Europe in Brief

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EU Elections Spotlights

From 6 to 9 June 2024, EU citizens will vote to elect their national representatives to the European Parliament. Covering this key political event in EU affairs, the European Newsroom (enr) provides verified, independent and reliable content produced by the news agencies involved in the project.

Flag of Great Britain Flag of Germany Flag of France Flag of Spain

Politička kriza u BiH prijeti blokadom institucija i usporavanjem europskog puta

Dublja bi blokada mogla imati dugoročne posljedice po europsku perspektivu zemlje i njenu političku stabilnost.

Krišto: BiH ostaje predana europskom putu i regionalnoj suradnji

Naglasila je da će zemlja nastaviti provoditi reforme kako bi ispunila uvjete za otvaranje pregovora.

The following articles are translated with artificial intelligence (Beta)

The news agencies are not responsible for the content of the translated article. Please note that AI translations may take some time to process.

Key Stories

Rat u Ukrajini, ekonomski izazovi, klimatske promjene – su neka od pitanja s kojima je Evropa suočena. Svakog petka objavljujemo priču o jednoj važnoj temi te sedmice. Nastojimo pružiti priče o širokom rasponu pitanja i mišljenja iz cijele Evrope te tako doprinijeti boljem razumijevanju različitih evropskih perspektiva. Članak je dostupan na engleskom, njemačkom, španski i francuskom jeziku.

Flag of Great Britain
Flag of Germany
Flag of France
Flag of Spain

Europe in Brief

Politička kriza u BiH prijeti blokadom institucija i usporavanjem europskog puta

Dublja bi blokada mogla imati dugoročne posljedice po europsku perspektivu zemlje i njenu političku stabilnost.

Key Stories

Rat u Ukrajini, ekonomski izazovi, klimatske promjene – su neka od pitanja s kojima je Evropa suočena. Svakog petka objavljujemo priču o jednoj važnoj temi te sedmice. Nastojimo pružiti priče o širokom rasponu pitanja i mišljenja iz cijele Evrope te tako doprinijeti boljem razumijevanju različitih evropskih perspektiva. Članak je dostupan na engleskom, njemačkom, španski i francuskom jeziku.

Flag of Great Britain
Flag of Germany
Flag of France
Flag of Spain

EU Elections Spotlights

From 6 to 9 June 2024, EU citizens will vote to elect their national representatives to the European Parliament. Covering this key political event in EU affairs, the European Newsroom (enr) provides verified, independent and reliable content produced by the news agencies involved in the project.

Flag of Great Britain Flag of Germany Flag of France Flag of Spain

enr weekly newsletter

Participating Agencies

AFP Logo
ANP Logo
APA Logo
ATA Logo
Belga Logo
BTA Logo
dpa Logo
EFE Logo
Europa Press Logo
MIA Logo
PAP Logo
Ritzau Logo
STA Logo
Tanjug Logo
TT Logo
mina Agency Logo
Ukrinform Agency Logo

The European News Hub (EDNH)

The European Data News Hub (EDNH) is a current European platform for journalists, where the news agencies dpa, AFP, Ansa, Agerpres, TT and ANP are collaborating as one newsroom team. Their focus is on providing data-based news packages, which consist of photographs, videos, audio reports, interactive graphics, infographics and texts in nine different languages. The agencies also distribute the contents through their networks, reaching a great number of newspapers, TV and radio stations, mobile users, website operators, databases, governments and international institutions throughout the world.